To say that we are blown away is an understatement.
This year, 5th edition of our 'Design Your Own Socks' competition, we have received hundreds (!) of submissions from around the globe.
The level of entries was really, REALLY high.
We had a very difficult challenge, but to be able to go through all the entries and read the inspirations was a huge privilege.
The inspirations behind the entries - that could be a separate competition in itself. We are humbled, flattered and simply purely astonished to witness the efforts, attention and commitment every single entrant put through their work and writing. For that, we will forever be grateful and inspired.
We've invited Rachel Rothwell (last year's winner) to share her thoughts on the entries, and that helped us go through the amount of entries greatly!
There is always one first prize. One first prize, one first prize we kept repeating to ourselves. Wait! It is our own competition! And if we cannot choose between two final designs, it can only mean, both of them are the winners! And so we've decided to award two submissions for the first prize - ex aequo.
First prize is the iPad and Apple pencil + socks added to our collection. And so this is happening. We are awarding TWO WINNERS EX AEQUO with an iPad + Apple pencil and their socks being produced.
The winners are:
Cody Brosnan for 'Milkin' it' and Piter Jakob for 'Hello Friend'.
We loved Cody's work for its quirkiness, Irishism, beautifully balanced colours, and a bit of banter. The baba from behind the scenes that inspired the design, makes it even better.

Piter's design had us at hello. We felt that, these days especially, we all need reminders about the importance of mutual respect and love a bit more often. About that real human connection that brings miracles into reality. This particular pattern showcases the beauty of multicultural and welcoming Ireland, and we absolutely love it.

As the choice was so tough we've also decided to increase the amount distinctions
Awarded with 12 months socks subscription are:
Erick Lohr - Children of Lir

Geoff Natin - Any Craic?

Awarded with 6 months socks subscriptions are:
Nicole Flynn - Peatlands Of Ireland

Fiona Curran - Toasty

Paulo Moraes - Balls

Finally there has been a number of submissions from the Delta Centre CLG, Strawhall, Carlow that we would like to highlight for many reasons. Most of all for the talents of the entrants and their hard work, but equally for the initiative and fantastic guidance of the teachers that helped artists in the submission process. We absolutely love, love the final effect!
So we've decided to award each entry with a 3 months socks subscription:
Adam Ralph
Hannah Brennan
Gary Craig
Anne Hickey
Annie Walsh
Barry Olwill
Laura Ralph

Go raibh maith agat to every single one of you that entered, put so much time, dedication and talent into your submission. Please know we really appreciate every single one of you.
Please stay tuned for more competitions to be run by us, Irish Socksciety in the near future!
You guys are all absolutely class!