Some brands are born naturally, out of passion, friendship, and drive. Irish Socksciety is one of them.
What's the story?
None of us, the two co - founders, ever thought we would awaken the socks market in Ireland.
Joanna, trained as a Publisher, Alex as a Spatial Planner had plenty of various ideas, but only in 2011 when we first met, the most bizarre and challenging ones came to life.
Needless to say, for many years we lived beside each other in Poland, shopped in the same shops, but never met - it was Galway and its incredible charm that made us connect with each other…
And so a friendship and new chapters began.
Bold and absolutely inexperienced we started our entrepreneurial journey by introducing a portfolio of humorous illustrations inspired by Ireland, Irish landscapes, culture, language, and craic.
We truly believe our absolute enthusiasm for Ireland spoke through our work, and so in time, the portfolio grew into a range of products - mugs, coasters, fridge magnets, shopper bags, etc. until this one day, when we thought of socks.
We are one of those people who love black baggy clothes, and socks were always the extravagant part of our looks.
So why not socks, we thought, but where to start, was the real question. Apart from the huge chains, there were no other places to buy socks. Nothing local, fun and sustainable.
So we took our time, we spent months learning how to design socks, how to speak the socks language, and what yarns to use to guarantee comfort, quality and earth consciousness.
We searched for options in packaging to ensure it will be sustainable and practical from the very start.
And then we came up with the first 12 styles which included the
You are a ride, Did you turn off the immersion, Bye bye bye, You are my cupan Tae, Feck it, and more.
We printed the designs’ options on our small office printer and suggested a few color palettes, sizes and prices. And off we went to the streets of Galway and Dublin to do our research.
We stopped people and asked if they liked the humor, the shtyyyle, the color, the price; would they buy a socks subscription, what shoe size do they wear, and how many pairs of socks did they lose this month.
So much learning was made, and the Irish Socksciety fully launched in 2017 offering various styles of unisex socks inspired by Ireland, Irish culture, humor, landscape and language.
We also established a first-in-Ireland option of socks customization for individuals and corporate clients.
An hour after launching our website, we got our first two orders. Important note - the customers were not our friends, nor family.
We sold our first socks to someone in Wexford and Cork - wait, what? We danced in joy and we continue to do so today, feeling thankful and so fortunate to be where we are.
The love for our products and enthusiasm for Ireland has been noticed and appreciated.
We’ve learnt so much throughout the years, made connections, and grew the business.
We create jobs and support the local economy and community.
We are proud to be members of Guaranteed Irish, our now award-winning socks flew as far as China and Australia.
The best part of this journey is the fact that we got to create workplaces by sharing the beauty of a culture and craic that we love so much.

We continue on working with national and multinational brands on creating bespoke design socks that go into the drawers of people around the globe.
We love what we do and we give back to the local community through collaborations, donations, and more.
We dance, laugh and care. We are havin’ the craic from head to toe, and are very much looking forward to sharing all the plans we have for the future.
Because the future is bright! And in times when it’s cloudy, there are always ways to figure things out. Just focus on what you know.
We know that good and cozy socks are a perfect start to any first step that needs to be taken. One foot at a time.