Cavan Socks - Breffni County
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Did you know that this county has 365 lakes? Did ya? That’s right, one for every day of
the year! You can now drop that into conversation anytime. Who does’nt love a fun
It also has it’s very own Burren Park where you can roam around and take in the
incredible views. Just don’t forget to pack the sangwitches!
Our pals in Cavan also have some gas phrases. Some which cannot be printed here in
case but let’s just say it’s starts with ‘Ya cute Cavan……….’.
Enough said! A great greeting you might hear instead of a simple ‘Hello’ is ‘How is
she?! ( more accurately spelled as ‘Howisshe!’)
Don’t look any further than beautiful Blacklion if you’ve a hunger upon ya. Chef
extraordinaire, Neven Maguire, will fill those bellies with some of the most delicious
food you will ever taste. And now we’re hungry.
Tá sé seo iontach

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